About the Teeny Tiny Art Collective
Our objective is to increase exposure for the arts and artists! We are doing this through small or “Micro” galleries placed in accessible spaces so that people who might be afeared of going in to an “Art Gallery..” or just don’t think to go to a gallery.. could gain exposure to the rich and varied arts tapestry. Additionally, artists, themselves, that might be facing limitations towards exhibition or just want to gain additional outreach in any varied genre are welcome to join and participate.
We are a small collective.. we welcome all interested members.
If you are interested in submitting for exhibition you can use the Single Submission form or you can sign up for a low- cost annual membership and submit your interest to any show we have planned and posted.
Learn about our current project Tiny Galleries Bowness
We were featured on CBC Radio https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-97-the-homestretch/clip/16093244-teeny-tiny-art-gallery