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M. Scott Ault



I've been creatively aligned my entire life. From a very early age, I knew that the literary arts were where I wanted to exist and so.. at the tender age of 22, I dropped out and went meandering around N. America in order to.. EXPERIENCE life and generate stories (and... OH how many wonderful stories I have from that.. nearly 10 years of wanderlust and meanderment).

I have self- published the graphically enhanced literary novel "The Death of Love" which is available through my website. For clarity: it is not "print on demand" .. I actually paid an overseas printer a prince's ransom to mass produce my novel.

I am, also, known sporadically as The Ocean Cyclist as I am building (right here in Bowness) a Pedal Powered Boat that I will be living in for two years as I pilot it entirely around the planet.. I'm doing this to promote sustainability, clean oceans, and adoption of cycling as a primary method of day to day and lifelong mobility (it's always worked for me.. and it figures prominently as a key factor in shifting urban areas from wholly unsustainable zones of waste and smog to.. cohabitable and functional spaces). Anyhow.. it's a long live project that I first envisioned in 1992 when I was cycling from Northern Alberta with hopes of reaching Rio for the Earth Summit.. and I do see a light at the end of the tunnel so.. here's to adventure on the horizon!

I am also a musician going by the name of The6EXX.. preview, purchase.. all music sales will be used for Ocean Cyclist.. but I do have a cool Video EP that I'm working on.. kind of "industrial folk" (a style that doesn't exist yet... ) titled "Bitter Springs."

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Member since 11 months ago
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